Ok, they say we fell out of the tree 4 million years ago. since then we`ve proliforated to the tune of 6.3 billion. we`ve done and made many wonderous and fantastic things. Your mind can think of anything.....anything. So, why do we make and do things that just dont fucking work!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Televisual Advertisment or Audiovisishite?

I`m gonna split this fellah up cus,  oooooh i can feel it...... its the anger.  i`m gonna have to organise this up into several chunks because theres just so much wrong with TV adverts.

i like the principle of TV don`t get me wrong.  Adverts make many great programs possable.  but they lie.  legally tv adverts cant lie,  but they can embellish (embellendish) i the whole "hey look at this muniscule bit of goodness,  i just wont tell you the rest is crap"

All of those food adverts that go 95% fat free. Thats still 5% fat which according to doctor dudes is High fat. 
Sugar is fat free,  but you don`t see any Sugar only diets do ya? so how can it be right that sugar saturated munch bunch or whatever is sold (to mums) for kids as a healthy 1 of your 5 a day.  if anything its just a shitty 1 of your 5 a day.

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